Enkeleida Kapia

Associate Professor of Linguistics & Albanology



Know Me More

I am an Associate Professor of Linguistics with focus on Albanology at the Institute of Linguistics and Literature within the Academy of Sciences in Albania. My research focuses on issues of linguistics and cultural studies within Albanology. More specifically, I work on issues that sit at the interface of syntax/phonology/pragmatics from the perspective of the child and adult speaker/hearer (in different varieties) in Albanian-speaking territories, but also migration contexts.

I have recently won a DFG grant "Form and Function of Intonation in Albanian Dialects" and am currently on leave at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing at University Ludwig-Maximilian in Munich in order to pursue this work with international collaborators there. This project follows my work as a senior leader for Albanian within the 5-year ERC project Grant No. 742289 'Human interaction and the evolution of spoken accent' (2017–2022).

In 2018-2021, I was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and, from 2012-2018, I served as Chair of the 'Department of Lexicology, Terminology and Applied Linguistics ' at the Academy of Albanian Sciences in Tirana.

Post my PhD in Applied Linguistics at Boston University, I have developed and maintained international cooperation in research and teaching with institutions in Albania, Greece, Germany, Britain, Switzerland, and USA.

My 8th book, currently in press at the Academy of Sciences in Albania, written with three international collaborators Stefano Coretta (University of Edinburgh), Ludmila Buxheli (Academy of Sciences Albania), and Anila Omari (Academy of Sciences Albania), is called "Syntactic Microvariation in Albanian Dialects: an atlas with digital data".

One of my recent articles featuring an IPA illustration of Northern Tosk Albanian received 1st prize from the International Phonetic Association for The Most Illustrative Illustration. I have conducted this work with three international collaborators Stefano Coretta (University of Edinburgh), Josiane Riverin-Coutlee (Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich) and Stephen Nichols (University of Oxford).

Academic Employment

Teaching and Academic Positions


Research Projects


  • Form and Function of Intonation in Albanian Varieties
  • IPS, LMU, Germany
    German Science Foundation, Grant 499336853

The project is concerned with understanding how the form and function of intonation are related in Albanian dialects and varieties. In doing so, it combines recent empirical work carried out on the form of intonation of Standard Albanian with a well-established research tradition on Albanian dialectology. Additionally, the project couples these two areas with the prosody-syntax interface, not only to gain a deeper understanding of the function of prosody, but also to quantify the contribution of intonation and syntax in marking old and new information in communication. Building upon extensive experience and knowledge that the PI has gained in nearly 2 decades of research on syntax, dialectology, and, more recently, on intonation and phonetics, the project seeks to generalize from diverse areas of research, which, for the most part, have traditionally been investigated independently of each other.

  • Lexical and Grammatical Development in Albanian
  • with

    • Shanley Allen (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)
    • Xhulia Samanta Dule (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)
    • Adelina Çerpja (Academy of Sciences, Albania)
    • Antigoni Bullari & Klea Dyrmishi (School of Medicine, University of Tiranë, Albania)

This is the first project of a large sample of Albanian-speaking children and their communicative development, based on the Albanian adaptation of MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventory. Parental report data will be collected for children between the ages of 13 and 36 months. Growth curves for early vocabulary and grammar will be characterized and developmental trajectories of children with various demographic characteristics, such as sex and parental education, will be outlined and compared. The final goal of this project will be not only the creation of a corpus with Albanian-speaking child language data, but also the design of the Albanian CDI as a useful tool for the clinical and educational assessment of, and research on the language development of Albanian-speaking children not just in Albania, but also Kosovo, North Macedonia and other diaspora communities around the world.

  • Human interaction and the evolution of spoken accent
  • funded by ERC Advanced Grant no. 742289


    • Jonathan Harrington (IPS LMU, Munich, Germany)

If you would like to learn more about this project, wherein I have served as senior partner for Albanian, please visit this webpage https://www.phonetik.uni-muenchen.de/Forschung/interaccent/interAccent.html

  • Sociolinguistics and structure of Albanian dialects
  • with

    • Josiane Riverin-Coutlée (IPS, LMU, Munich)

In this project we investigate the relationship between sound change social factors. We track down several features of the understudied Tosk, Gheg and Standard Albanian over time and also measure speakers' perception of themselves and others with regard to these features. Our goal is also to shed light on 'when' do speakers form their own perceptions and attitudes towards different language forms and structures.

  • Permanency of L1 Attrition of Speech Perception and Production in Returning Albanian-English bilinguals
  • Leverhulme Small Research Grant, The British Academy


    • Esther de Leuuw (University of Lausanne)


  • Grammatical Diversity in Albanian
  • Stefano Coretta (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)


    • Anila Omari, Ludmila Buxheli (Academy of Sciences, Tiranë, Albania),

  • Intonational phonology of Albanian
  • funded by Georg Forster Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

  • Cue-based annotation and prosodic analysis of Albanian
  • with

    • Alejna Brugos (MIT/Boston University)

  • Children’s perception of Albanian dark-lateral contrast
  • with

    • Daniela Müller (Romance Languages Department, LMU, Munich, Germany)

  • Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond: a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning their L1
  • Albanian partnet within COST ACTION IS1406
    European Research Council

  • Evolution of Semantics (partner for Albanian)
  • Albanian partner with Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Department of Language & Cognition)

  • Bilingual Acquisition and Bilingual Education: Linguistic and Cognitive Effects
  • with

    • Ianthi Tsimpli (Cambridge University, England)

  • Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment
  • with COST Action ISO804, European Research Council


My Work

Books/Monographs (4)

  1. Kapia, E. (2019) Psycholinguistics. Academy of Albanian Studies, Institute of Linguistics and Literature. Tiranë, Albania.
  2. Kapia, E. (2016). Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Center for Albanian Studies. Institute of Linguistics. Center for Albanian Studies. Tiranë, Albania.
  3. Kapia, E. (2011). The Role of Syntax and Pragmatics in the Structure and Acquisition of Albanian. UMI Publishing. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  4. Kapia, E. (2011). Understanding Dyslexia – A Parallel to Phonemic Restoration Using Orthography. UMI Publishing. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Books with Co-authors (4)

  1. Kapia, E., Coretta, S., Buxheli, L., Omari, A. (in press). Syntactic Microvariation in Albanian Dialects: an atlas with digital data. Academy of Albanological Sciences. Institute of Linguistics and Literature. Tiranë, Albania.
  2. Demiraj, B., Kapia, E., Omari, A. (2021). Ribotim anastatik i plotësuar i veprës së Pjetër Budit, përgatitur nga Gunnar Svane. Albanian Academy of Sciences. Tiranë.
  3. Kapia, E., Murthi, L. (2018). Gjuha Shqipe 10 (për klasën e 10-të). Mediaprint. Tiranë, Albania.
  4. Kapia, E., Murthi, L. (2017). Gjuha Shqipe 11 (për klasën e 11-të). Mediaprint. Tiranë, Albania.

Edited Volumes (5)

  1. Plangarica, T., Kapia, E., Omari, A., Cerpja, A., Lama, A. (Eds.) (2019). Zhvillimet në shkencat e ligjërimit dhe lënda e gjuhës dhe e letërsisë në arsimin parauniversitar (Developments in modern linguistics and teaching of Albanian in pre-university education). Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, ASA. Tiranë, Albania.
  2. Kapia, E., Omari, A., Lama, A., Kananaj, A. (Eds.) (2018). Variacioni sintaksor në dialektet dhe të folmet e shqipes (Syntax Variation in Albanian Dialects). Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, ASA, Tiranë, Albania.
  3. Memisha, V., Omari, A., Kapia, E. (Eds.) (2017). Kërkime gjuhësore 2 (Linguistic Trends 2). Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, ASA, Tiranë, Albania.
  4. Memisha, V., Omari, A., Kapia, E. (Eds.) (2016). Kërkime gjuhësore 1 (Linguistic Trends 1). Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, ASA, Tiranë, Albania.
  5. Chan, H., Jacob, H., Kapia, E. (Eds.) (2008). Proceedings of Boston University Conference on Language Development 32. Volume 1. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Book Chapters (7)

  1. Kapia, E. & Riverin-Coutlée, J. (in press). Agent-based modelling of dialect change and stability in Gheg Albanian. In Omari, A., Sinani, Sh. & Hala, L. (Eds), Në shërbim të dijes sonë të shenjtë. Festschrift in honor of Bardhyl Demiraj. Albanian Academy of Sciences.
  2. Kapia, E. & Kleber, F. (in press). Prosodic change in 100 years: the fall of the rise-fall and the Ha in an Albanian variety. In Kleber, F. & Rathcke, T. (Eds), Speech Dynamics. Festschrift in honor of Jonathan Harrington. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Kapia, E. (2023). Lidhëzat ftilluese dhe norma sintaksore: vëzhgime të Mansakut, vëzhgime nga shqipja e sotme dhe nga Matrënga (Complementizers and the normative standard: observations from Mansaku, modern Albanian and Matrënga). Botim për nder të prof. Seit Mansakut (Festschrift in honor of Seit Mansaku), pp. 214 - 231. Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike. Tiranë, Albania.
  4. Kapia, E. (2021). Albanian MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives. In Gagarina, N., Klop, D., Kunnari, S., Tantele, K., Välimaa, T., Bohnacker, U. & Walters, J (Eds.). MAIN: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives – Revised. Materials for use. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 63.
  5. Kapia, E. (2014). Acquisition of Dative and Accusative Clitic Doubling in Albanian: A Syntactic-Pragmatic Approach. In Grohmann, K.K, Neocleous, T. (Eds.). Developments in the Acquisition of Clitics, pp. 212- 249. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle- upon-Tyne.
  6. Kapia, E. (2015). The Nature of the Initial State of Child L2 Grammar: Contributions from the Syntax of Clitics. In Peukert, H. (Ed.). Hamburg Studies in Linguistic Diversity: Transfer Effects in Multilingual Language Development, pp. 323-344. John Benjamins.
  7. Kapia, E. (2012). Acquisition of English Reflexives by L1 Albanian Speakers: Features of Interlanguage Grammar. In Turano, G., Memushaj, R. & Koleci, F. Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Albanian Syntax, pp. 122-144. Lincom, München.

Peer-reviewed articles (14)

  1. Kapia, E. Allen, Sh., Zogaj, D. (2024). Early vocabulary and grammar development in Albanian-speaking children: a MB-CDI adaptation study. Language Development Research, 4 (1), pp. 175– 206.
  2. Riverin-Coutlée, J., Kapia, E., Gubian, M. (in press). Dialect change and language attitudes in Albanian. Language Variation and Change.
  3. Kapia, E., Harrington, J., Kleber, F. (in press). An Autosegmental-Metrical Analysis of Albanian Prosody. In Jun, S.A. & Khan, S. D. Prosodic Typology III. Oxford University Press.
  4. De Leeuw, E., Kapia, E., and Lewis, S. (2023). Sound change in Albanian monolinguals and Albanian-English sequential bilingual returnees in Tiranë, Albania. Languages, 8 (1), 80.
  5. Riverin-Coutlée, J., Kapia, E., Cunha, C., and Harrington, J. (2022). Vowels in urban and rural Albania: The case of the Southern Gheg dialect. Phonetica, 79 (5), pp. 459-512.
  6. Coretta S., Riverin-Coutlée J., Kapia E. & Nichols S. (2022). Northern Tosk Albanian. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53 (3), pp. 1122-1144.
  7. Kapia, E. (2020). Sistemi intonacionor dhe prozodia e shqipes: të dhënat e para nga shqipja e të rriturve (Intonational system and prosody of Albanian: preliminary results from adults). Studime Filologjike 1-2 (Philological Studies 1-2). Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike, Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, Tiranë, Albania.
  8. Kapia, E. (2014). Evidence of Rheme and Kontrast in Albanian. Philological Studies 1-2. Center for Albanian Studies. Tiranë, Albania.
  9. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, A. (2013). Word Order and Nominal Modifiers in Modern Albanian. Philological Studies, 3-4. Center for Albanian Studies. Tiranë, Albania.
  10. Kapia, E. (2013). Assessing narrative development in bilingual first language acquisition: What can we learn from multilingual norms? In Gogolin, I., Duarte, J. (Eds.) Studies on Multilingualism, 179-190. Blackwell Publishing.
  11. Kapia, E. (2013). Clitic Doubling and Information Packaging in Albanian. Studies in Modern Albanian. Center for Albanological Studies, Tiranë, Albania.
  12. Kapia, E. (2012). Clitic Doubling and Information Structure in Albanian. Linguistics, 50 (5), pp. 901-927.
  13. Kapia, E. (2008). Development of Reading Literacy in Albanian. Journal of Psychology and Behavior, 11, pp. 33-52. ASSA. Tiranë.
  14. Kapia, E. (2004). A Review of “Dual Language Development and Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning” by Genessee, F., Paradis, J., Crago, M. Linguistics, 47 (4), pp. 256-263.

Peer-reviewed Proceedings (18)

  1. Kapia, E. & Kleber, F. (2024). From old to new to contrastive: Exploring prosodic marking of information structure in child and adult speakers of Albanian. Speech Prosody (SP2024), Leiden, The Netherlands June 2-5.
  2. Kapia, E. (2024). Pitch accents across Albanian varieties: a typological perspective. Proceedings of the 7 th Symposium for Albanian Studies. Department of Albanology, University of Munich, Pommelsbrunn, Germany.
  3. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Cunha, C., and Harrington, J. (2023). A longitudinal study of contrastive length in Albanian-speaking children. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, USA, pp. 421- 431.
  4. Riverin-Coutlée, J., Kapia, E., Cunha, C., and Harrington, J. (2023). Compensatory lengthening and polysyllabic shortening in the Gheg dialect of Albania. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic.
  5. Kapia, E. (2022). Sintaksa dialektore e shqipes: Të dhëna të reja dialektologjike e sociolinguistike (Albanian dialect syntax: new dialect data from a sociolinguistic perspective). Akte të Kuvendit Ndërkombëtar të Studimeve Albanologjike 2 (Proceedings from the 2 nd National Congress of Albanology). Akademia e Shkencave të Shqipërisë, Tiranë.
  6. Riverin-Coutlée J., Cunha C., Kapia E. & Harrington J. (2021). Dialect features heterogeneous and homogeneous Gheg speaking communities. Proceedings of Interspeech 2021. Brno, Czech Republic.
  7. Brugos, A., & Kapia, E. (2021). Prosodic and Non-Prosodic Cues to Prominence and Boundaries: Evidence from an RPT study in Albanian. 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), pp. 259–263.
  8. Kapia, E., Kleber, F., Harrington, J. (2020). An Autosegmental-Metrical Analysis of Rising Contours in Standard Albanian. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020, 171-175.
  9. Kapia, E., Brugos, A. (2019). Perception of prosodic correlates of Topic and Focus in Albanian. ICPhS Proceedings, Satellite Workshop “Intonational Phonology of Typologically Rare or Understudied Languages”. University of Melbourne, Australia
  10. Müller, D., & Kapia, E. (2019). Children’s perception of the Albanian dark-clear lateral contrast. ICPhS Proceedings. University of Melbourne, Australia.
  11. Kapia, E. (2017). Thoma Dhima dhe kontributi i tij në lidhje me probleme të sintaksës dialektore (Thoma Dhima and his contribution towards dialect syntax). Akte të konferencës për nder të kujtimit të Prof. Thoma Dhimës. (Proceedings of the Conference in honor of prof. Thoma Dhima). Universiteti i Gjirokastrës.
  12. Kapia, E. (2017). Analizë e tipareve sintaksore në studimet e serisë “Dialektologjia Shqiptare” (Analysis of syntactic features in “Albanian Dialectology). Aktet e konferencës “Variacioni sintaksor në dialektet dhe të folmet e shqipes” (Proceedings of “Szntactic variation in Albanian dialects and varieties). Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike. Tiranë, Albania.
  13. Kapia, E.,Brugos, A. (2016) Information Structure-Prosody Interface: Towards a Model of Albanian Intonational Phonology. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016. Boston, MA, USA.
  14. Kapia, E. (2015). Linguistic myths regarding Albanian. Third Conference “Linguistic Trends”. Institute of Linguistics, Center for Albanian Studies, Tiranë, Albania.
  15. Kapia, E. (2015). Clitics as a measure of Specific Language Impairment in Greek- Albanian children. 2nd International Conference of Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek studies. Albanian Academy of Sciences, Tiranë.
  16. Tsimpli, I., Andreou, M., Kaltsa, M., Kapia, E. (2015). Albanian-Greek bilingual children in Albania and Greece: the effects of mother tongue literacy/education on cognitive abilities. 2nd International Conference of Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek studies. Albanian Academy of Sciences, Tiranë.
  17. Kapia, E. (2014). Statistical Methods and the case of clitic doubling in standard Albanian. Proceedings of international conference Albanological Studies. University of Tiranë, Albania.
  18. Tsimpli, I. M., Kapia, E., Andreou, M. & Kananaj, A. (2014). Narrative insights from bilingual Greek-Albanian Children. 21st International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISTAL 21). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
  19. Kapia, E. (2011). Acquiring Clitic Doubling: Syntax and Pragmatics at Work from Early on. Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. (48)

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations (48)

  1. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Cunha, C., and Harrington, J. (2024). Testing the structure preservation and phonetic approaches to compensatory lengthening. LabPhon19, Where speech sounds meet the architecture of the grammar and beyond. Seoul, Korea, June 27-29.
  2. Dule, Xh. S., Kapia, E., & Allen, S. E. M. (2024). Designing the morphology part of CDI II for Albanian language. The Eighth European Network Meeting on Communicative Development Inventories, EUNM-CDI 2024. University of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  3. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Cunha, C., Harrington, J. (2024). Bidialectal advantage in primary school: evidence from Albanian-speaking children. International Congress for the Study of Child Language 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
  4. Dule, Xh. S., Kapia, E., & Allen, S. E. M. (2024). Morphosyntactic development in Albanian-speaking children: Designing and piloting Part II of the CDI. International Congress for the Study of Child Language 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
  5. Kapia, E. (2023). Pitch accents across Albanian varieties: a typological perspective. 7 th Symposium for Albanian Studies. Department of Albanology, University of Munich. Pommelsbrunn, Germany.
  6. Riverin-Coutlée, J., Kapia, E., Cunha, C., & Harrington, J. (2023). Compensatory lengthening and polysyllabic shortening in the Gheg dialect of Albanian. XXth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
  7. Kapia E., Riverin-Coutlée J., Cunha C. & Harrington J. (2022). A longitudinal study of contrastive length in Albanian-speaking children. 47th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston University, Boston, USA.
  8. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée J., Cunha, C., and Harrington, J. (2022). Exploring the connection between schwa dropping and vowel lengthening in Albanian. LabPhon18, Phonology in a rapidly changing world. online.
  9. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée J., Cunha, C., and Harrington, J. (2022). Exploring developmental norms of vowel production in the Gheg dialect of Albanian. Methods in Dialectology XVII. Mainz, Germany.
  10. Kapia, E., Kleber, F., and Brugos, A. (2022). Discrete and continuous-valued prosodic cues to prominence perception in Albanian. 3rd International Conference on Prominence in Language. Cologne, Germany.
  11. Brugos, A. & Kapia, E. (2021). Prosodic and non-prosodic cues to prominence and boundaries: evidence from an RPT study in Albanian. 1 st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. Sonderborg, Denmark, December 6-9.
  12. Franzke, R., Cunha, C., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Kapia, E., and Harrington, J. (2021). How revealing are vowels of the sex of children? A perception and production study. Tagung zur Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P 17). Frankfurt-am Main, Germany.
  13. Nichols, S., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Coretta, S. & Kapia, E. (2021). On the acoustics and articulation of post-alveolar affricates in Northern Tosk Albanian. Linguistics Association of Great Britain. Hosted online, September 6-9.
  14. Nichols, S., Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J. & Coretta, S. (2021). Towards a description of the rhotic sounds of Northern Tosk Albanian. ‘R-atics 7, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 18-19.
  15. Riverin-Coutlée, J., Cunha, C., Kapia, E. & Harrington, J. (2021). Dialect features in heterogeneous and homogeneous Gheg speaking communities. Interspeech. Brno, Czech Republic, August 30-September 3.
  16. Riverin-Coutlée, J., Cunha, C., Kapia, E. & Harrington, J. (2021). Dialect in the City: Asymmetrical retention of traditional features of Gheg Albanian. PaPE 2021: 4 th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe. Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, June 21-23.
  17. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Cunha, C. & Harrington, J. (2020). Acquisition of morphologically and phonologically conditioned vowel length in Albanian, virtual talk, 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston University, Boston, USA, November 5.
  18. Cunha, C., Riverin-Coutlée, J., Kapia, E. & Harrington, J. (2020). Is Albanian losing its vowel length contrast? Evidence from children and adults. Tagung zur Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P 16). Trier, Germany, September 11.
  19. Kapia, E., Kleber, F., Harrington, J. (2020). An Autosegmental-Metrical Analysis of Rising Contours in Standard Albanian. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody. University of Tokyo.
  20. Kapia, E. (2019). Syntax and prosody in the realization of information structure in L2 Albanian. International Workshop on the L1 and L2 Acquisition of Information Structure. University of Leuven on April 25-26.
  21. Kapia, E. (2019). The intertwining of syntax and prosody in child and adult Albanian: evidence from monolinguals and bilinguals. Seminar in Phonetics and Phonology: Speech variation, Language Change, and Computational Modelling. Venice International University on May 13 – 17.
  22. Kapia, E., Brugos, A. (2019). Perception of prosodic correlates of Topic and Focus in Albanian. ICPhS 2019, Satellite Workshop “Intonational Phonology of Typologically Rare or Understudied Languages”. University of Melbourne, Australia in Aug. 4-10.
  23. De Leeuw, E & Kapia, E. (2019). Permanency of L1 Attrition of Speech Perception and Production in Returning Albanian-English bilinguals. International Symposium on Bilingualism 12. University of Alberta, Canada, June 23-28.
  24. Müller, D., & Kapia, E. (2019). Children’s perception of the Albanian dark-clear lateral contrast. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2019. University of Melbourne, Australia, August 4-10.
  25. Kapia, E. (2017). Thoma Dhima dhe kontributi i tij në lidhje me probleme të sintaksës dialektore (Thoma Dhima and his contribution towards the study of dialect syntax). Konferencë për nder të kujtimit të Prof. Thoma Dhimës. Universiteti i Gjirokastrës.
  26. Kapia, E. (2017). Gjendja dhe perspektiva e studimeve psikolinguistike në albanologji.(Psycholinguistics studies in Albanology). Konferenca shkencore “Kërkime gjuhësore VI”. Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike. Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe i Letërsisë.
  27. Kapia, E. (2017). Metodologjia e hulumtimit në rastin e studimit të sinaksës dialektore shqipes (Methods in the Albanian dialect syntax). Tryeza e rrumbullakët “Variacioni sintaksor në dialektet dhe të folmet e shqipes: tipare, treva dhe metodologjia e hulumtimit. Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike, Tiranë.
  28. Muller, D., Kapia, E. (2016). Development of acoustic cue weighting in 3- and 5 year- old children: Evidence from the Albanian lateral contrast. Boston University Conference on Language Development 42. Boston, MA, USA.
  29. Kapia, E. (2015). Microsyntactic variation in Albanian dialects and methodological issues in the Albanian Dialectology Atlas. Conference in honor of Prof. Jorgji Gjinari. National Institute of Linguistics, Tiranë.
  30. Kapia, E., Brugos, A. (2016). Information Structure-Prosody Interface: Towards a Model of Albanian Intonational Phonology. Speech Prosody. Boston, MA, USA.
  31. Kapia, E. (2014). Characteristics of early vocabulary and grammar in Albanian-speaking infants and toddlers: a CDI adaptation study. 5th European Network Meeting on Communicative Development Inventories. University of Dubrovnik.
  32. Kapia, E. (2014). Linguistic Myths regarding Albanian. 3rd International Conference “Linguistics Trends: research and application”. Institute of Linguistics, Tiranë.
  33. Kapia, E. (2014). Albanian syntax studies during the last 50 years. Conference on the 50th anniversary of Journal of Philological Studies. Academy of Sciences, Tiranë, Albania.
  34. Kapia, E. (2014). Statistical Methods and clitic doubling in Albanian. Conference “Standardization of Albanian and modern linguistics”. University of Tiranë.
  35. Kapia, E. (2013). On Rheme and Kontrast in Albanian. Conference on Modern Syntax in memoriam of syntactician Spiro Floqi. Academy and Sciences and Institute of Linguistics. Tiranë.
  36. Tsimpli, I.M., Kapia, E., Andreou, M. & Kananaj, A. (2013). Narrative insights from bilingual Greek-Albanian Children. 21st International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
  37. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, A. (2013). Developing the Case Marking Task in Albanian. Conference on Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Fabre Universita, Lisbon.
  38. Kananaj, A. & Kapia, E. (2013). Norming the Sentence Repetition Task in Albanian Speaking Bilingual Children. Conference on Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Fabre Universita, Lisbon.
  39. Tsimpli, I., Kapia, E., Kananaj, A., Andreou, M. (2012). Acquisition of narratives: Insights from 6-7 years old Greek-Albanian children. Conference on Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Humboldt University and Berlin Brandenburg Academy Of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
  40. Kapia, E. (2012). Clitic doubling and information structure in Albanian. International Conference on Studies in Albanian. Institute of Linguistics and Literature, Tiranë, Albania.
  41. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, E. (2012). Reflections on the distinction between the syntax of complement and adjunct in Albanian. Conference in memoriam of “Kostaq Cipo –great figure of Albanian Linguistics”. University “Aleksandër Xhuvani”, Elbasan.
  42. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, E. (2012). Word order in modern and historical Albanian. Implications for Albanian syntax. Konferenca shkencore “Akademiku Kolec Topalli dhe studimet në fushën e fonetikës e gramatikës historike”. Universiteti “Eqerem Çabej”.
  43. Kananaj, A., Kapia, E. (2012). Structural Correlates of Complements and Adjuncts in Albanian. Conference in memoriam of At’ Justin Rrota. Center for Albanian Studies. Tiranë.
  44. Kapia. E., Kananaj, A. (2012). Një gramatikë e harruar: Gramatika e Sevasti Qirias Dako (A forgotten grammar: The Grammar of Sevasti Qirias Dako). Ditët e Albanologjisë. Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike. Tiranë.
  45. Kapia, E. (2011). Managing linguistic diversity in urban areas: the case of Albanian. Conference on Modern Trends in Linguistics and Studies of Albanian. Center for Albanian Studies. Tiranë.
  46. Kapia, E. (2011). Acquiring Clitic Doubling: Syntax and Pragmatics at Work from Early on. Generative Approaches on Language Acquisition. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  47. Kapia, E. (2011). Features of Interlanguage Grammar: Acquisition on L2 English Reflexives by Albanian Speakers. 2nd Barcelona Summer School on Bilingualism and Multilingualism. University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
  48. Kapia, E. (2010). The Role of Syntax and Pragmatics in Acquisition. Boston University Conference on Language Development 35. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.

Invited Talks (31)

  1. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J. (2024). Bringing methodological approaches together to investigate a lesser-described language: Vowel length in Albanian. Structure of Under- Described Languages (SULa) Lab Invited Series. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.
  2. Kapia, E., Riverin-Coutlée, J. (2024). Sound change and stability in Gheg. 50th Seminari Albanologjik. Prishtina, Kosovo.
  3. Kapia, E. (2024). Albanian studies in Munich: a multifaceted story of language variation and change in modern Albanian. Albanian Studies in the Global Context. SSEES PROLang University of College London, seeFField University of Regensburg, Germany.
  4. Kapia, E. & Riverin-Coutlée J. (2024). Vowel quantity in Albanian: Dialect change, acquisition and attitudes. Vowel and Consonant Quantity and Germanic, Indo-European and Beyond. International Workshop, University of Zurich. February 2024.
  5. Kapia, E. (2024). Pitch accents across Albanian varieties: a typological perspective. 7 th Symposium for Albanian Studies. Department of Albanology, University of Munich, Pommelsbrunn, Germany.
  6. Kapia, E. & Kleber, F. (2022). Krahasim i sistemit prozodik të shqipes standarde me shqipen e folur një shekull më parë (Comparison of the prosodic system of standard Albanian with speech spoken a century ago). Konferenca “Një komb – një gjuhë” (Conference “One nation – one language”). Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike, Tiranë, November 25- 26.
  7. Kapia, E. (2021). Metoda në studimet dialektologjike: të dhëna të reja sociolinguistike nga Atlasi i Sintaksës Dialektore. Kuvendi Ndërkombëtar i Studimeve Albanologjike. Akademia e Studimeve Albanologjike. 25-27 Nëntor, Tiranë, Shqipëri.
  8. Kapia, E. (2019). Sfidat e albanologjisë sot (Challenges of modern Albanology). Konferenca Studimet gjuhësore e letrare shqipe në ASA, diskutim për probleme e hapësira të reja. Akademia e Shkencave, Akademia e Studimeve Albanoligjike, Tiranë.
  9. Kapia, E. (2018). State of the art: Albanian dialect syntax. Workshop “First step towards an interactive map of Balkan linguistic features”. University of Zurich.
  10. Kapia, E. (2018). Struktura dialektore e shqipes, Bahri Beci. Universiteti Evropian i Tiranës. Tiranë.
  11. Kapia, E. (2018). Mendime mbi “Përpunimi automatik i gjuhës shqipe”, vepër e Besim Kabashit. Ligjëratë e hapur në Fakultet organizuar nga Shoqata e Gjuhëtarëve dhe ASA.
  12. Kapia, E. (2017). Lënda e gjuhës shqipe në shkollën digjitale. Seminari “Gjuha shqipe dhe letërsia në epokën digjitale”. Universiteti Beder. Tiranë.
  13. Kapia, E. Studime për fjalën shqipe, 3, Valter Memishaj. Reçensë. Ditët e albanologjisë, 2017, ASA.
  14. Kapia, E. (2015). Prosodic evidence of information structure in Albanian. Invited speaker. Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
  15. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, A. (2013). Clitic Acquisition in 6-7-year-old Albanian-Speaking Bilinguals. Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Fabre Universita, Lisbon.
  16. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, A. (2012). Comparison of typical monolingual and bilingual production of clitics in 6-7-year-old Albanian speaking children in Albania and Greece. Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Humboldt University and Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
  17. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, A. (2012). The development of the sentence repetition task in typically developing monolingual and bilingual 6-7-year-old children in Albania and Greece. Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Humboldt University and Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
  18. Kapia, E. & Kananaj, A. (2012). Methodology Effect: Paper vs computer version in narratives in 6-7-year-old monolingual Albanian children. Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. Humboldt University and Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany.
  19. Kananaj, E. & Kapia, E. (2012). Clitic acquisition in 4-5 year olds in Albanian monolinguals. Language Impairment in Multilingual Societies: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment. University of Padova, Italy.
  20. Kapia, E., Lechner, S., Siemund, P. (2012). LiMA Mini Panel. First Phase: Results and Experiences from Multilingual Learning. LiPS 2nd Workshop. Perspectives on Multilingualism and Longitudinal Studies. LiMA, University of Hamburg.
  21. Kapia, E., Kananaj, A. (2011). Linguistic Structures in the narratives of monolingual 6-7 year old Albanian children. Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society, Cost Action 5th Conference Meeting. University of Malta, Malta.
  22. Kapia, E. (2011). Përvetësimi i Gjuhës: Studime mbi Trajtat e Shkurtra në Shqip. Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike, Tiranë.
  23. Papakostantinou, M., Kapia, E., Tsimpli, I. (2011). Linguistic Structures in the narratives of Greek-Albanian bilingual 6-7-year-old children. Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society, Cost Action Conference Meeting 5. University of Malta, Malta.
  24. Kapia, E. (2011). Assessing Lexical Development in Bilingual First Language Acquisition: What Can We Learn from Monolingual Norms. Multilingualism: European and Asian Perspectives School. Linguistic Diversity Management in Urban Areas. University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
  25. Kapia, E. (2010). Knowledge of Syntax and Information Structure in Early Language Acquisition. Linguistic Diversity Management in Urban Areas. University of Hamburg.
  26. Kapia, E. (2010). Assessment of Communication and Social Skills in Children with ASD in Albania. 2 nd International Conference on Autism: From Causes to Treatment.Tiranë, Albania.
  27. Kapia, E. (2009). Cognitive and Linguistic Characteristics of Children with ASD in Albania: Implications for Assessments. International Conference on Autism: From Causes toTreatment. Tiranë, Albania.
  28. Kapia, E. (2009). Spoken Language Benchmarks and Measures of Expressive Language Development for Young Children with ASD. 1st International Conference on Autism: From Causes to Treatment. Tiranë, Albania.
  29. Kapia, E. (2008). Language and Cognition: Specific Language Impairment and Williams Syndrome in Children. Department of Psychology, University of Tiranë.
  30. Kapia, E. (2008). Language Acquisition: Theories and Albanian data. University of New York, Tiranë.
  31. Kapia, E. (2008). Clitics as Lenses of Focus in Child Albanian. Language Development and Acquisition Laboratory, McGill University.
  32. Kapia, E. Rama, A. (2007). On Language Arts and Teaching Methodology. National Institute of Education. Ministry of Education and Science. Tiranë.